POP-A-LOON update 3.1.6

- Added an un-equip all button at inventory screen (hand icon)

- Added new gamemode QUICKMATCH. Players can now quickly test a weapon's performance against bosses/hordes in a challenging, fast-paced, and rewarding mode.

- added quickmatch leaderboard
- Added new and first support weapon, Wrench. Wrench is designed to deal moderate damage, reduce damage taken, buy some time,  and support players to reach higher than usual scores. This weapon is vulnerable  against crowds of durable balloons or bosses, to encourage team work! It is also designed to be a bit more complexed, and encourages quick decision making, shield point management, and some more!

- Added pop a loon thumbnail, since somehow the dev messed up something as simple as that..right?

- added mobile swap button since the dev also somehow forgot about that.  Mobile is now fully supported, with recommended Android 7+.

-Increased difficulty significantly of multiplayer, in attempt to make starting waves less boring (Mostly waves 3, 5, 7+).

- fixed bug of all game modes scores being submitted to the new quickmatch gamemode leaderboard.

- Fixed bug with goldgems and greengems being unable to increase once reaching 0, in some scenes (like gamestats).
- fixed useless text on some scenes (like gamestats scene) that provided no information.

-Fixed a couple other bugs more but dev forgot...


game (8).zip Play in browser
82 days ago

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