POP-A-LOON!| Version 4.1.5!

- added (completely) candycane, as well as fixed all known bugs of candycane in all gamemodes

- Added Candycane's gamestats, profile pic, and more! 

- Added minor optimization improvements, and save/load data improvements.

- added a 12,500 giganta green gem reward at quickmatch completetion. This mode is hard, and you   can only get so many gems in 5 minutes, so I decided to give it a little boost.

- Added (finally) promo codes (blue giftbox on mainmenu), just find the secretcode(s)!

- Added (recently) new subscene (inventory, 3rd part) to fit the newer weapons like Candycane

             Soon the inspect/lore of this weapon will be added!

- Fixed Gamestats scene bug, that stopped increase to greengems/gold once it is less or equal to 0.


game (27).zip Play in browser
67 days ago

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