POP-A-LOON! Version 5.1.5!



+ Added a New Weapon DOOMSTICK! Can be bought for 80,000 greens, 15 golds.

"Concealable, compact, light, and brings doom to those foolish enough to stand in its way!"

+ Added a "reach wave 3+, and get a free weapon, as a way to motivate newer players.

   I also noticed the prices of each weapon might be intimidating to newer players,       making the game seem hard, paytowin, or overwhelming. Ofcourse, more experienced       players know you can buy half the weapons in this game within a hour or two, but       there will be no experienced players without newer players. So, this is why it was      done, but make sure you do it quickly, I may remove it after a while. Also, once you     got through wave 3+ (in any mode except for quickplay),  the code can be shared with      friends or family!! 

+ Increased candycane's crosshair by 20%,but decreased sweet surprise giftbox sizes by 20%. 

   This change was made since I noticed cane was under-performing on crowds (for a    weapon of its price), even with its special activated. Now candycane larger crosshair   will allow it to deal with more balloons easier, but the sweet surprise giftbox size   was also lowered by 20%, so it  won't be any easier destroying them (in this area, it   is pretty much the same as before, requires just as much aiming). 

+ Candycane's sweet surprise duration has been increased, now lasting 3.7 seconds  (instead of 3 seconds)!

+ Candycane's critical hits are now multiplied by 4.8x, instead of by 3.3x. 

  This tweak paired with the crosshair increase, makes cane much stronger now, as it   should be (even 3.8x was just not there yet). I also noticed that before, candycane  felt like it could barely deal with a tank or 2 before the sweet surprise duration came  off. 

- Fixed bug that allowed players to dual wield candycane with other weapons, like Pen.

- Fixed bug where swapping to/from secondary's did not work

- Fixed bug where the un-equip all button on inventory screen did not work for   candycane.

- Fixed bug that did not allow candycane's sweet surprise skill to play critical hit   sounds, only default hit sounds.

- Fixed advertisements, now you can watch ads for gems once again!

- Fixed a minor bug related to pen, but lost the note of what it was....Guess it is for   you to find out now...Right?


game 5.1.5.zip Play in browser
10 days ago


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Reach wave 3+ (6 minutes) for a free weapon!!